Winter 2015


Canada China National Flag Group of People Concept

Μany times my family asks to know about Canada.

They asked about the weather, food and people here.

I love to talk about Canada, because it has so many contrasts.

I will start with the weather, the winter here where I live is very cold. We have lots of snow and the cold is very extreme for lots of days in the year. Sometimes the temperature exceeds minus 40 or 50. The normal temperature in the winter is minus 20. This is one part of winter because we have a summer, and in Canada the summer is so beautiful and totally different. So different that if you don't live here you can't explain this transformation that happens in nature. It's amazing!!  As the snow melts everything grows so fast. The flowers, the trees, everything blooms and turns green so fast.

The temperature reaches 30 degrees.

What I love about Canada is that it has a great culture which is multicultural.  You will meet people from all over the earth. It is such a welcoming country. People respect you and are so very friendly with you and are willing to help with anything you need. My family asks how everything works so well:  the schools, the jobs, the high-way. I explain to them that this country is so organized. 

I also love the food because you can find all kinds of food from all over the world. You never get bored.

Canada is the right place to live and I am glad Canada gave this opportunity to me and my family.