Winter 2015


Senior care assistant reading book elderly man

Volunteering is about giving your time and skills, without pay, for the benefit of others, and it can benefit you and your community too.

To volunteer, you can go to a senior centre, a community centre, a day care, a school, a thrift store, a food bank or you can also search other areas near your place to volunteer.

First of all, when you help others you feel happier and also gain confidence by doing good for others and the community.

Second of all, as a volunteer you will have the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. You will learn new skills that look great on your resume. Also, volunteering provides many benefits to both mental and physical health, such as body aches, stress, anger, and anxiety.

Finally, in my opinion a senior centre is the best place for volunteering because in a senior centre the elderly need the most help and assistance for their daily routine. Therefore, I am interested in volunteering at a senior centre.