Winter 2015


Happy people with smiley on hands against blue summer sky background

Seriously, I have never imagined making a new country! I would name it Happy! Just imagine what the people would say or feel when they say my country is Happy.

I would like to explain how I got the idea for this name. When I was at school, there was a girl in my class named Happy. Everyone in the classroom would smile when saying her name. No matter what their mood was, her name was enough to make them smile.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. It is the aim of all human existence. It is one of the most sought-after goals in life, yet for many it seems elusive. It's easy to delude ourselves into thinking, "When I just have that nice house and new car, then I will be happy." But in reality, happiness is available  to all of us right now. A big house and a new car won't actually make you happier. It is the simple joys in life that bring true happiness.

This country would provide everything that makes its population happy. Love would be the capital of the country. We will grow our own plants such as wheat, barley, fruits and vegetables. Natural resources such as fresh water, air and wild animals would be available to all. Sources of energy and metal ores could be developed so everyone would be safe and healthy. Our happy land would have all four seasons.

Work would be available to all as the government would support all businesses. Schools, universities and hospitals would be supported also. This "Happy" country would be multicultural. English would be the spoken language because it is the third largest language spoken by native speakers worldwide. I want this country to be simple and less expensive to live a good life.

The laws of this land will be easy to understand and follow. There will be no need to find a loophole in order to satisfy one's own wants. This will make no one happy. From birth to death, all the people will naturally develop sensitivity to themselves and others. They will understand what makes them happy and be able to access that path unless it takes happiness away from others. Their will be only one punishment for this. The "jail" will be in nature. The person will be alone in order to think and realize their faults by themselves. No teacher is greater than nature. The alone time will allow a realization of what life really is.

If every country was like "Happy", the world would certainly be a better place to live! It would be a world in which people of all colours and nationalities would not be afraid to walk the streets without fear of danger. It would be a world in which children and adults of every race would smile and say "Hello. How are you?". A world in which there would be no pre-judgement of a human being because they are from a certain country, or they happen to be a certain colour.