Winter 2015


man on phone at dinner table

Nowadays, nobody can imagine spending a moment without our technological advantages. It is difficult to find a place where technology is not present. Although some people think too much dependency on technology is hampering our social life, I think technology spell bounds us by providing its significant service along with every step of life.

Technology helps our society in various ways; for instance, we can easily communicate with others, even those who live thousands of miles away from us, within a second by using social media sites. At the present time, social media is powerful and the most popular way to exchange opinions and views. Searching for jobs, donating money, and helping the community are easier than before by involving those sites. People are not alone now as they can chat with any friend at any time which makes him stress free.

Concurrently, technology can influence our daily life badly which is the root cause of some social isolation. To enjoy the technical benefits, we like to communicate with our friends and family by internet now rather than visiting in person and this is responsible for a robotic life many of us feel we have.  Many serious diseases can be caused from overuse of technological dependency. I believe our eyesight, aching backs and lack of social life can all be blamed on sitting in front of a screen for too many hours.