Winter 2015


Walking - close up of feet

Before I came to Canada, I used to be a city woman, who could not move anywhere without driving. Therefore, when I moved to Canada, I tried to get my driving license. Fortunately, as I failed, I was forced to walk for everything. I had to walk to study, to the grocery store, to the bus stop, to pick my child up from school and so on. After a time, one day I realized that walking was not harmful for me anymore, it was a good exercise that helps me to keep my mind and mood up, and also my body healthy. So, I started planning my walking to make it more enjoyable.

When the winter season arrived, I was wondering if I should leave my new hobby for a while, the cold, snow, and ice are difficulties that I never before had to deal with. Luckily, I could meet experienced people, who guided me with the best practices for having a safe walk. Those rules are: dress warm and dry clothes, protect my head, ears, and hands from the cold, keep well hydrated and warm-up before going outside.

Now, I have my driving license. However, I always choose to walk when it is possible, even if it is winter. The only thing that I must be careful about is to dress properly and find new ways to make my workout more fun.