Winter 2015


womans mouth close up near mic

Music for me is a good alternative to escape from stress. It is also a very effective way to show other people your emotions at a certain situation or for a time. Most of my family members are really inclined to music. Some of them know how to play musical instruments. I can say that eighty percent of my relatives have a good taste in music. Some are really good singers too.

Luckily, I also inherited the singing talents of my parents and brought it down to my daughter. I am so thankful that I have been given this kind of talent by our almighty God. It is also one of the ways of relaxing, relieving stress and bonding moments for my family. I can sing ballad, pop and disco songs. I can even sing English, Japanese and Korean songs. I can easily learn songs especially if the songs have a good melody, rhythm and meaning.

At my young age, I became a choir member in the church and that really honed my talent. Soon after I came to Canada, I sang to some seniors in a care home and entertained them by singing some old songs that elderly people like so much to hear. If given a chance, I am always willing to share my talent and to give happiness to my listeners, especially the elders.