Winter 2015


canada flag made with leaves

Do you know Canada? Before I came to Canada, if you asked me this question, I would have said: “It is cold, and there seems be a lot of maple trees.” Because I remember a lot of snow and a red maple on its flag.

It is two years ago that my family came to Canada. One afternoon in February 2019, I took my little kid and walked out the door of the airplane, the strong wind would wrap us away and chilly air would make us be unable to breath. That was the first day I landed on PEI.

We have a new start in Canada. All the people here are so nice and my little son learned to wave his hands to everyone he meets on the streets. My elder son likes his hockey team and teammates, so he enjoys winter sports here even though he is so busy. My husband found a job in a restaurant to learn the English language and get in touch with his workmates. I tried to do some business and take care of the family. Every one of us are busy, but everything is going not bad.

Every year, the most interesting event is in Halloween night. My sons want to wear their costumes and walk around to trick-or-treat. Even today, the little boy still wants to have his Spiderman’s hat and bring his orange pumpkin bucket to trick-or-treat. I still remember they got so many candies and chocolate home that night, and I was worried they would eat all of them. This year, the boys each made jack-o’-lanterns by themselves for Halloween. Later in the day, we put our jack-o’-lantern beside our green trash cabin outside, but crows destroyed them soon.

We love Canada.