Winter 2015



I used to live in Damascus. Damascus is the capital of Syria. It is one of the oldest cities in the world with a history that spans nearly eleven thousand years.

My life and the life of all Syrians was normal with safety, comfort and peace until 2011. In 2011, everything changed, turning safety and comfort into fear, sadness and pain. Most Syrians lost their homes and loved ones. Some of them lost their eyes, hands or legs because of the war. We also lost our happiness and our dreams.

In 2017, my family and I moved to Canada. I was so happy. I finally felt safety and comfort, which I had lost during the war. People in Canada are friendly and kind; when I walk in the street or around the market, people are always smiling at and greeting me. If I need help, people here help me, sometimes without me even asking. Canada is a beautiful country where the nature is charming, and life is wonderful.

I hope peace and safety prevail in the whole world.