Winter 2015


Little children trick or treating on Halloween

In my home country (Senegal), there is an event that equates to Halloween in the West. At this event, people prepare dishes like couscous which contains a lot of meat. This celebration is linked to the traditional New Year. Seniors used to joke that if someone doesn't get full, they won't be alive next year. It means that next year is the morning after the celebrations, but as children we thought we had to eat really well thinking that next year was so far away. It was amazing!

After the meal, we went door to door asking the adults for candy. On the same occasion, the girls put on clothes for boys and the boys put on clothes for girls. We formed small groups with boys and girls. During this tour, older boys would steal the belongings of the younger ones.

A legend has it that a wizard will take any child who spends the twilight outside to bring him to heaven. When I was younger, I believed in it so much that I didn't dare go out at all. Grandmother told us scary stories around a wood fire in the middle of the house. The next day, the young people are supposed to collect their gifts and continue to party. It is one of the most famous annual celebrations across the country.