Winter 2015


illustration of man with obstacale in path

When I studied in school, I had great difficulty learning some subjects like Literature, History or Social Studies. I had some troubles concentrating on the same thing for a long time and lost interest in things pretty fast, even understanding that it is very important to be good at books. Over time, I tried to find a passion for everything I learned or read about in order to overcome this obstacle. Once I found an interest to learn something, I challenged myself to stay in that mood as long as possible simplifying the information for better understanding. All those methods helped me to stay focused and remember the information better. Even though it was a long time ago, I feel that sometimes I still have these problem when trying to learn something new. Using different techniques might help a person focusing on the topic, but the most important thing is to choose the right subject to learn. The process will be much effective and interesting when learning about something you like and passionate about rather than struggling to memorize something forcibly.