Winter 2015


alone man sitting with sadness emotion on wood pier

As humans, we know that heartbreak is just a part of life. Every life has some. The most heartbreaking moment of mine was when my mother passed away because of cancer in August, 2011. For a long time, I couldn’t sleep and didn't want to eat. I did nothing and just cried every day. The kind of missing and heartbreak pain is indescribable. Even now, when I think about my mother and miss her so much, it still breaks my heart. I think that I had to come out of it. The first thing was that I realized that I couldn't grieve like this because I had to do something and move on. I had children and I had responsibilities that they need me to take care of them. Time is also a cure for pain. The passing of time has reduced some of my grief. I picked myself up. I think that the living should recover well and move on. That is what our loved ones would have wanted.