Winter 2015


baby crying

Babies never cry without a reason. There are lots of reasons behind baby’s crying.

Main reasons are,

  • Belly gas
  • Hunger
  • Diaper rash
  • Feeling of discomfort
  • Pain

Gas in the belly:

When babies are so young, they don't move much, and they sleep all the time. That's why generally we find this problem in a newborns to 6-month old babies. When you discover this problem in your baby, give them gripe water or a gentle massage on the belly with warm olive or coconut oil.


This is a common problem in all humans. No one can stay long without eating something. If a baby is feeling hungry, then a baby can't sleep properly and he/she will start crying. Sometimes, we feel our baby had sufficient food and is not hungry, but babies have small stomachs, so that's why they fill very fast and empty quickly. Also breast milk is very thin like water, so you need to feed your baby every 2 hours until they start eating solid food.

Diaper rash:

Check your baby's diaper every 2 hours, because babies poop and pee often. If you don't change the diaper, then babies will suffer from this problem. When you clean your baby's poop, use gentle, nice quality baby wipes. Twice a day, use diaper rash cream to avoid rash problem.

Feeling of discomfort:

When a baby has a wet diaper or we feel it is cold in winter, the baby may cry so we put lots of clothes on the baby, but that's not necessary. In this situation, the baby will feel uncomfortable and that's why the baby will be crying.


Baby can't speak, so crying is the only a way to communicate. When a baby has pain in the stomach, ears or head, baby will cry. Measure the baby’s temperature and try to see if the pain will go away. If your baby does not stop crying, take her/him to see the doctor.