Winter 2015

Travel (Outside of Canada)

City of Buenos Aires at night

I remember our first family vacation to Argentina. Looking back on it now, we realize our kids were too young. In fact, we traveled with a 5-year-old boy, 3-year-old girl and an 8-month-old baby boy. Even though it was hectic, it was by far the most amazingly fun family vacation ever. First of all, I remember when we arrived at the airport, we adjusted to our kid's waists one strap halter to control them; because, our kids were full energy all the time and we were afraid we would lose them. After all, it was a crowded airport with people were running everywhere. As a result of that, everybody was looking at us as if we were the worst and craziest parents mistreating their children. We felt embarrassed but safe! Afterwards, we had to take a taxi to go to our hotel, but, no taxi wanted to transport us because we were 5 people and they only could transport a maximum of 4 people per car. Consequently, we had to pay for two expensive taxis to go to our hotel. Following that experience, during our 17 days in Argentina, we moved on subways, buses and walking with no more taxis. As a consequence, we got to know the city in a better way than usual, and we had an extremely enjoyable experience. To conclude, there are no excuses for not having amazing travels and have fun-even with little kids. We should enjoy our life like a wonderful adventure!