Winter 2015


Graphic designer at sketching the design

Art for me is a way of looking differently at this world. Regardless of what I paint, either a portrait, or landscape, or abstract, I always pay attention to the smallest details, which allows me to express the mood and emotions of a painting. I believe that the mood of a painting is inextricably intertwined with colours.

I prefer a vibrant colour palette and my paintings are enriched with colours and a positive vibe. In addition, I believe that every one of my paintings has its own soul. There is a certain stage during the painting process when I know exactly that my painting has come alive.

I work in acrylic because I have found this type of medium to be very flexible. When I need to give my painting a watercolour-like look, I apply a thin coat of acrylic. On the other hand, a thick layer of acrylic will give a painting an oil-like look.

If you want to see my works, you can do so by visiting my website www.realisticness.com