Winter 2015


Beautiful autumn leaves filling the frame (fall)

Canada is one of the best places in the world. I have a great life in Canada. My family and I immigrated to Canada in 2012. We came here for a good future of my children and to build a better life.

My decision to move to Canada was largely due to the opportunities that this country has to offer. This is a great place to build a new career and gain valuable skills. In the beginning, my family had financial problems as we had just moved to a new country. We stayed in a one bedroom basement. We were four people in a one bedroom and we had one mattress only and floor bedding. We had no car in winter. We faced very hard time, especially the children. They had no transportation for going to school in winter. My husband had no job. I felt that all dreams were broken.

After few years of hardships and frustrations, slowly we were settled in Canada. I had to go away in order to achieve my dreams. Canada is a unique place for me because I am able to fulfill my dreams and build a better life for my family. Here are some of the reasons why Canada is the best place live and work. It has a strong commitment to education. It is a country with high educational achievements. It has the best educated people with one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Canada offers free primary and secondary education and subsidized post secondary studies and makes it mandatory for students to attend school until they are 16 -17 years old. Canada is a leader and an example for other countries. The country puts its citizens first, above everything else and tries to improve human nature, relationships and lifestyles. It is also a welfare state meaning that the government takes care of its citizen’s basic social services.

The government tries to help people in anyway possible. Canada is well known to have exceptional health care and medicine. There are many hospitals all around the country. They have the finest physicians, nurses, technicians and support staff to ensure that patients are treated well, and that they get the best care possible. Every citizen and permanent resident is covered by insurance plan of the province. Canada has one of the world’s best health services including doctors’ fees and hospital charges.

One last important quality Canada has is the freedom. Everyone is treated equally despite their race, sex, religion, values, beliefs, customs, traditions etc. There is a social harmony between races and everyone is free to maintain individual heritage, yet participating freely in Canadian customs and traditions. This country guarantees everyone the rights to equality, mobility, freedom of speech, assembly and association. Canada is a model of how people of different national backgrounds and cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity and mutual respect.