Winter 2015


Wasp sitting on piece of bread - close up

Being stung by a bee or wasps is always happening and never fun. We need to keep calm and learn to prevent it.

Only female insects sting as they have eggs. Male insects only mate and look for food. Wasps and bees only sting to protect themselves or their nests. Stay from their business when they socialize and look for food.

We need to remember to do the following things to protect ourselves:

  • Try not to wear perfume and brightly colored clothing. Expose less skin.
  • Be careful and do not leave what you eat outdoor wide open.
  • Look out for nests.
  • Call a professional to have unwanted bee, wasps or hornets removed.

Honey and bumbles bees seldom sting. Honey bees only sting once and then they die. Bumble bees sting many times.

Yellow jackets, hornets, and paper wasps are out in the summer and fall. Hornets and paper wasps are not interested in human food, however, yellow jackets like human food.

Solitary wasps and bees include leaf-cutting bees, sweat bees, and plasterer bees don’t sting.

from https://www.seeds.ca/pollination/dont-get-stung