Winter 2015


Hand with illustrated planet earth showing eco concepts

As we all know, we are working so hard every day, waking up early, going to our respective jobs, meeting new people and going through a lot of hardships to make our future better. Every one of us wakes up with this hope that one day everything will be the way we want it to be, so we keep on working hard for it, we keep on giving our hundred percent to make our own and our family’s future better. Some are not even getting enough sleep because they want some good days in future. We are saving money for our children and we want their lives to be better than ours, so we keep on working harder and harder in order to provide every single luxury which we never had.

But in all this go-go we actually forget about our Mother Earth, because that’s the place where we have to be in our future unless we are moving on to some other planet.

What this means is that we need to look after our environment, which is being destroyed or being ruined by our daily activities. In reality, we are killing this beautiful planet to satisfy our needs but we never do anything to improve the condition of our planet. Instead of taking care of it we are harming it in many different ways. I would like to provide some examples here to support my statement. 

First of all, the global warming issue is getting very serious now. We really need to think about it. Due to global warming, we are facing a lot of problems, like a hole in the ozone layer. Glaciers are melting with a very high rate-which is due to the ‘global warming’ effect. This is all caused by pollution. Pollution from our vehicles, from factories and many more other things which we do on a daily basis. Pollution doesn’t only cause global warming but comes with numerous diseases too and it’s unclear how bad they all are for human survival. Many species have been endangered due to pollution and many are extinct. So how can we say that we are going to have a good future-a good home to reside in? I don’t really think so.

Second of all, humans are clearing forests from Earth so that they can build homes and make more employment opportunities, but in all this, they forgot that forests give us oxygen to breathe, they provide us medicines, they are shelter to many of the species. But who cares? Humans are so selfish that don’t even think about it twice.

If we really care about our planet and we want our futures to be better, we really need to think about it deeply. We really need to start taking initiative and improve the condition of our planet. We can do it in many ways but first of all, we need to start from ourselves. We need to change ourselves to change the world.