Winter 2015


National flag on stethoscope conceptual series - Pakistan

Good health is the key for a good life. Everything may have a cost in this world but there is no cost for health, and life, because no treasure or wealth can buy health, and in fact health is the true wealth. No one in this world would like to be sick or unhealthy, or admitted in the hospital, but there are certain factors that impact the health directly, like proper care, healthy diet, exercise, regular medical checkups, happiness etc. Most of the people in this world are very serious about their health. Latest research, science and technology has discovered solutions, and treatments, which were not treatable or curable some years ago.

Every country has its own health system, and we will have a brief comparison of health system in Canada and Pakistan.

Canada is one of the leading, developed, largest and ideal countries to live in. The health system in Canada is based on equality, means everyone has access to the medical system, and facilities. There are proper rules and regulations for the health care system. Medicare is available for all and people don’t need to pay any consultation fees for most treatments. The treatment of many life-threatening diseases is available. 8-1-1 is a very effective help line to consult with a registered nurse for minor health problems 24/7, and if someone wants translation in any language, that can also be provided by them. With a lot of medical facilities, there are some areas of improvement also. For example, without a family doctor it is very difficult to avail quick facilities, like consulting a specialist, etc. It takes years to get a family doctor. In hospitals there is no general OPD system, every patient must go in emergency department, and it takes a long time to see the doctor, which is sometimes difficult. Although there is no fee for consultation, but the cost of medicine is high. The number of doctors is also low.

With regard of Pakistan health care system, the services are available by 24/7. There is no problem of approaching a general practitioner, or a specialist. There is no need of a family doctor, general OPD system is also available for all, even people receive the medicine also from government hospitals. There are a lot of private clinics with many health services. On the other side, the medical system is not based on equality, rather it is dominated by private health system, which is approachable by rich or very rich people, because the consultation fee, and the cost of medicine is high, so poor people can not afford it.

In old days there were many home made remedies for different diseases, and people were getting good results of that, still some of those are effective, for example for flu, chicken soup is very effective. For cough, people put black pepper in honey, and eat it, which is effective. For diarrhea use of Psyllium in curd is very effective, to cure wounds use of heated turmeric powder mixed with mustard oil is very effective.

With the passage of time medical profession, especially doctors have won the trust of people. While consulting a doctor, it is always good if he /she is a registered, and experienced doctor, and practicing at an authentic, and reliable place, because they deal with human life. It does not mean that new doctors are worthless, but it means that trusting experienced doctors is easier. Right, and timely diagnosis, and treatment can save people from serious problems, but any wrong or late diagnosis, or wrong medicine can lead to severe and serious adverse effects, which can be life threatening as well. It’s good to have some basic medical knowledge, and ask questions about your sickness or disease while in consultation. So, the selection of doctor is very important.