Winter 2015


man with smartphone - map in the background and lines going all across the world

There are many inventions that have made big changes in human history. Language, wheels, steam engines and electricity are some of these great inventions. However, if I had to choose one of them, it would be the Internet, as it affects everyone’s life these days. In the past, only certain people had information and knowledge which gave them the power to have higher positions or to have more benefits. This kind of information was passed on to only selected people or their descendants. Now, we can reach a lot of information easily in many ways. I can get to know how to fix my car from YouTube or I can see which company is making a good profit this year. People can even watch the news from all over the world at home!

Also, we can communicate with each other more effectively. When we have something on our mind we can share that idea on social media and it spreads to others living in different locations. Sometimes it gives power to normal people to change their society.

The Internet has changed our way of living too. These days people buy things from online shops more than going to actual stores. People watch movies from their home instead of going to a cinema. The Internet has some negative aspects but it still affects our lives more in positive ways.