Winter 2015


Hand of muslim people with praying gesture over dark background

Hello I'm going to speak about how fasting we are.

Fasting general name Ramadan.

Ramadan is full one month but it star every year ten days earlier.
We haven't eat between sun sire to sun set. We wake up midnight eat food and go to sleep again and after no food until after sunset. Fasting not easy for everyone but it is really health. After Ramadan all body is clear and Ramadan give to people who to important food for people. Many people waste of food every day and other hand many people getting die because they can't not find food.

Ramadan is bringing all lots of good things. People in the Ramadan more social because every one invite friend or some one else to home and share the food together. End of Ramadan if people has a money they have to money help for poor people. Honestly I love Ramadan because I understand in how important food with us and on other hand I can understand for poor people how to do I pay attention the food not going to waste.