Winter 2015


blurred view of college campus

My parents always said people can live anywhere, if they have the right education. It was true. They let me study in a private school with good teachers even though there were so many public schools without fees. If I was in a public school, I still would have graduated my high school and got a university degree, but I would have needed to study hard.

I wouldn't have had advanced education, like from my high school, and I would have needed to learn by myself.  Because in my school, the teachers, books and the environment was made for study only and to educate kids, I received a better education.

So many rich kids are spoiled too much and they grow up thinking like their money will never finish. When their money comes to an end, so many of them wind up bankrupt or look for regular income jobs like middle-class, ordinary people. If they were clever enough and educated themselves how to manage their wealth smartly, that wouldn't have happened to them.

On the other hand, very poor people try to encourage their kids to study hard and give their kids a better education in private school, which has a better education system and teaching faculty. Because they know that good education is a life-time guarantee.  You can lose everything else but you cannot lose what you have learned.