Winter 2015


Cute silblings with their puppy on rug at home in the living room

I have two kids. My older child is a daughter whose name is Amy. She is 13 years old now; she is a student in grade six at the moment. She is such a funny little girl. She likes to study and play sports, she is quite serious, and interested in math and other things. Also she loves camping and listening to music, hanging out with friends and going shopping. My younger child is a son whose name is Jason. He is 4 years old and is in pre- kindergarten. He is my crazy one. He is very active and very social, loves dogs, loves playing with cars and other toys. I can’t compare my children because they are a little bit different from each other but they are similar in some ways. I will discuss how they are both similar, yet different.

Amy is always trying to make people laugh. She plays jokes on her friends and family. For example, one day she hid our dog in her room before I got home from work. Then as soon as I got home she told me someone stole the dog from the back yard. I went outside to see if the dog was there, which he wasn’t. Afterwards, I walked around the block trying to find our dog. When I came home she told me the dog was in her bedroom all the time and she laughed about it.

Jason also tries to make people laugh. However, he gets into more trouble than Amy. No matter how many times you tell him how to do something, he will always do it in his own way. For example, one day I put him in his chair at the dinner table. Then, he got out of the chair and pushed the chair back in. Then he climbed into the chair all by himself. Jason doesn’t like to help in the kitchen, whereas Amy always wants to help in the kitchen. Jason is also more protective of me. He wants me all to himself and Amy doesn’t really care. She is more independent.

Both my kids are my life and no matter what the differences are between them I love them the same and they are good kids. I hope some day again we will be together. I miss them a lot.