Winter 2015


phone with wifi symbol

Nowadays, the modern life has become easier, faster and more convenient through the Internet. For example, people can communicate with one another around the world, search and share information, study, shop, watch movies, do business and find online jobs.

Certainly, the Internet has advantages and disadvantages, so it is a good idea to learn the rules of Netiquette (network etiquette) to help us behave properly in cyberspace.

Firstly, don't be afraid to share what you know with others.

The Internet offers a huge number of information that is the biggest advantage in the virtual world and there are different kinds of information available on the Internet, like: sharing facts about cultures, the latest news about what is happening in the world or about celebrities.

Now, many sites allow people to share their expert knowledge, discuss important information with others from all over the world and moreover, people can post questions and others can help them by answering their questions, and that makes the world a better place.

On the other hand, online education has grown very fast recently, some universities and students can communicate through Internet, where teachers and students can share their knowledge and projects with other students, and other universities also offer online courses in various fields.

Secondly, think twice before you press “send” or “post”.

In spite of all its advantages and positive aspects, the Internet has its bad side too.

Beside sharing your information, interests and knowledge, think twice before posting anything online and especially personal information, in order to be safe and to protect your privacy and other's privacy from hackers, rumors, and enemies.

To conclude, instead of using the Internet for not useful things or wasting time, we can use it wisely to get the information we need and to share our knowledge with others to increase their skills which lead them towards a brilliant future.