
Canadian Corner

Grammar Central

Crazy English

Terrible Teacher

Flashed ESL

American Stories

The following exercise can be completed directly online. Click here for a print version of this exercise.


1.   Which of the following sentences best describes the main idea of the article about Ottawa-Hull?

Canada's National Capital region past and present
Canadian unity on the shores of the Ottawa River
The settling of Wrightstown and Bytown
Two booming lumber towns

2.   Who chose Ottawa as Canada's capital?

President Niagara
Chancellor Effiel
King William
Queen Victoria


For questions 3 & 4, select the option which best completes each sentence based on the article.

3.   In the beginning in Ottawa-Hull...

canoes were the method of transportation of choice.
Samuel de Champlain decided it would be a great place for a city.
there were enough trees in the area to start a lumber industry.
Colonel By and Philemon Wright did not get along.

4.   Ottawa and Hull...

attracted many settlers because there were jobs there.
have always feuded because Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as capital.
have too many government workers.
would not exist without the Rideau Canal.

5.   How many people live in the Ottawa-Hull area?

over two million
about one million
less than 570,000
about 750,000

6.   What were the original names of Ottawa and Hull?

Hochalaga and Bytown
Bytown and Wrightstown
Toronto and Bytown
Kapital City and Wrightstown

7.   A trip along Sussex Drive takes you past museums, galleries and parklands.


8.   In the beginning, Ottawa and Hull were backwoods mining towns built on the shores of Lake Ottawa.


9.   The construction of the Rideau Canal took two years and involved a couple hundred workers.


10.   Ottawa-Hull stands as a lasting symbol of Canadian unity.


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