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A past verb can also be a word that shows a state or condition. (I was tired.
Some state verbs are: was, were

The verb ("to have") usually follows a noun or pronoun.

Person singular plural

   I had

   we had

   you had

   you had

   he had

   they had

   it had


   she had


Past of the Verb ("to have")
(noun or pronoun) + verb

Bill had a letter yesterday.
He had a boy last night.
Tara had a girl ten years ago.
Terry and Robert had a dog before.
I had a pencil before this class.
Tom had tires last summer.


Select the correct verb for the following:

1.   I
2.   we
3.   she
4.   They
5.   you
6.   it
7.   he
8.   they
9.   he
10. you


Select the correct verb for the following:

1.   Mary and I pencils yesterday.
2.   I a pen right now.
3.   Miss Thatcher a car in 1978.
4.   Bob and Ted cats at the moment.
5.   You tall brothers
6.   The dog brown eyes today.
7.   He a home before the earthquake.
8.   They erasers in their hands.
9.   Daniel a bicycle last December.
10. You my papers last night.
  • Show / Hide the Answers

      1.   had        -      6.   has
      2.   have      -      7.   had
      3.   had        -      8.   have
      4.   have      -      9.   had
      5.   have      -     10.   had

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