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"Person" tells you who is talking, who is listening and who is being talked about.

  The man (person 1) is talking to his colleague (person 2) about Elvis Prestley (person 3).

person 1 - talks
person 2 - listens
person 3 - is talked about

Number and person

  1st (person talking)
  2nd (person listening)
  3rd (person(s) being talked about)
    he, she, it

Examples of person

  I jump.
  You are happy.
  We play.
  They walk.
  It eats.
  She reads.
  You work.


Select the correct person of the pronoun.

1.   we
2.   I
3.   she
4.   they
5.   you
6.   it
7.   he
8.   they
9.   he
10.  you

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      The pronouns are:
      1.   first                     -      6.   third
      2.   first                     -      7.   third
      3.   third                    -      8.   third
      4.   third                    -      9.   third
      5.   second               -     10.   second

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