
Canadian Corner

Grammar Central

Crazy English

Terrible Teacher

Flashed ESL

American Stories

Questions are formed by placing the verb before the word "there."
Use "Is there?" with singular nouns. (Is there a pencil in the box?)
Use "Are there?" with plural nouns. (Are there two pencils in the box?)

Question form Negative question

  singular noun

  there is
  is there

  isn't there

  plural noun

  there are
  are there

  aren't there

There is/are questions

There is/are (noun) (prep. phase) Is/Are there (noun) (prep. phrase)
There is a rug on the floor. Is there a rug on the floor?
There are men at the door. Are there men at the door?
There are fifty cats in Canada. Are there fifty cats in Canada?
There is a letter in the box. Is there a letter in the box?

Question formation

1.  Start with the basic statement. There is a desk at school.
2.  Move the verb to the front of "there" and capitalise the verb. Is there a desk at school.
3.  Add a question mark. Is there a desk at school?


Create a question using the stages in the following sentences:
Sometimes the prepositional phrases is not needed.

1.    There are many Canadians.
2.    There is a computer in every class.
3.    There are boys in the hallway.
4.    There is a sleepy dog in the room.
5.    Yes, they are customers.
6.    Yes, she is ill.
7.    There is a city named Henry.
8.    Yes, he is busy.
9.    Yes it is stinky.
10.   Yes, you and Terry are good.

Ask the teacher to check your work.

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