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A verb can also be a word that negates a state or condition. (I am not tired.)

The verb ("to be") usually follows a noun or pronoun.

    I am
  I am not
  I'm not
    you are
  you are not
  you aren't
  you're not
    he is
  he is not
  he isn't
  he's not
    it is
  it is not
  it isn't
  it's not
    she is
  she is not
  she isn't
  she's not
    we are
  we are not
  we aren't
  we're not
    you are
  you are not
  you aren't
  you're not
    they are
  they are not
  they aren't
  they're not

* There is no negative contraction for am not.

Verb ("to be") negative

  Bill is not a fireman.
  Bill isn't a fireman
  He is not a girl.
  He isn't a girl.
  Tara is not a boy.
  Tara isn't a boy.
  They are not happy.
  They aren't happy.
  A mouse is not big.
  A mouse isn't big.
  I am not an American.
  I am not an American.
  Tom is not tired.
  Tom isn't tired.


Select the correct contraction for the following:

1.   I happy.
2.   I a student.
3.   She a teacher.
4.   They young.
5.   You tall.
6.   It brown.
7.   He at home.
8.   They sad.
9.   We happy.
10.  You my best friends.
  • Show / Hide the Answers

      The contractions are:
      1.   'm                   -      6.   's
      2.   'm                    -      7.   's
      3.   's                     -      8.   're
      4.   're                    -      9.   're
      5.   're                    -     10.   're


Select the correct negative contraction for the following:

1.   I happy.
2.   I a student.
3.   She a teacher.
4.   They young.
5.   You tall.
6.   It brown.
7.   He at home.
8.   They sad.
9.   We happy.
10.  You my best friends.
  • Show / Hide the Answers

      The negative contractions are:
      1.   am not                  -      6.   isn't
      2.   am not                  -      7.   isn't
      3.   isn't                      -      8.   aren't
      4.   aren't                    -      9.   aren't
      5.   aren't                    -     10.   aren't


Check the box beside each contraction.

1.   you are
2.   he's
3.   we're
4.   were
5.   it's
6.   he is
7.   its
8.   there
9.   their
10.  they're


Check the box beside each negative contraction.

1.   you are not
2.   he isn't
3.   we aren't
4.   we are not
5.   it isn't
6.   he is not
7.   its not
8.   they are not
9.   their not
10.  they aren't

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