
Canadian Corner

Grammar Central

Crazy English

Terrible Teacher

Flashed ESL

American Stories

The snow storm last week prevented Terry from getting to the mall to buy paper for his lessons. So he arrived at 8:55 a.m. and wrote this lesson on the board for his students.

This is what the students were assigned to read.

Pierre Trudeau - The Coolest Prime Minister of Canada!
  1. Him was born into a wealthy Montreal family on October 18, 1919.
  2. Pierre attended Harvard, University of Montreal and the London School of Economics.
  3. He graduated from all of they.
  4. She was elected to parliament in 1965.
  5. Pierre taught heself to slide down bannisters during the 1968 election.
  6. Himself won the 1968 election by a landslide.
  7. He invited the Rolling Stones to celebrate with he.
  8. He was often seen walking the streets of Montreal with a pretty girl on his arm.

Below indicate if the lines above are correct or if there is a problem. Also describe the rule that is broken in the incorrect lines.

If the line is incorrect, explain why.

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      1.     incorrect - He was born into a wealthy Montreal family on October 18, 1919.
      (Do not use an object pronoun "him" as a subject.)

      2.     correct

      3.     incorrect - He graduated from all of them.
      (Do not use a subject pronoun "he"as an object.)

      4.     incorrect - He was elected to parliament.
      (Use he when referring to a male/man.)

      5.     incorrect - Pierre taught himself to slide down bannisters during the 1968 election.
      (Use "himself" as a reflexive pronoun, not "heself".)

      6.     incorrect - He won the 1968 election by a landslide.
      (A reflexive pronoun cannot be used as a subject.)

      7.     incorrect - He invited the Rolling Stones to celebrate with him.
      (Do not use a subject pronoun "he" as an object.)

      8.     correct

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