Winter 2015


white book with parenting title and baby graphic on white background

Human kind has been parenting since the beginning and we didn't have books to tell us how each family and child is different and every parent has their own way to raise their children. Some parents may feel overwhelmed, nervous, or scared and most times they will reach out to the books that were written by other parents about how they think a child should be raised. I feel confident in how I want to raise my child; I do not reach out to these books like some parents do. I believe that my confidence comes from when I was growing up around younger relatives. I was a role model for them which gave me experience in what kind of parent I wanted to be. Having a family of my own was always something that I wanted. I already knew what kind of parent I wanted to be, and I was already mentally prepared for the day I had my own child. I think that the parents that reach out for these books do not have my experiences and perhaps they are not mentally prepared.

Today it takes two full time incomes to live comfortably, so not only is each parent working a full time job, they are also taking care of their children. Trying to divide such an enormous workload perfectly in half is impossible. Each parent will always feel they are either doing more then the other parent or that they are simply doing too much. I feel that this does not apply to me because we have decided that we will live on just one income while my partner stays home with our child.  This will be less of a workload for each of us. We also share similar beliefs, we are both financially savvy and we both agree on how to raise our child. Couples who do not share the same beliefs  in parenting and are also over worked are going to fight.

Men have always been the primary providers when it comes to money, even with both parents working, men tend to work more hours. Today not only do men provide for their families financially, they are also more involved with their children. I think that the new generation of fathers thinks differently, and understands the importance of bonding with their children, and the importance of a loving and strong male role model. I feel satisfied when I do something for my child. Even after a hard day's work I still enjoy the feeling I get when I care for my child.

Parents today focus too much on their children's happiness instead of teaching them lessons and morals that will shape them into good people that will do good things, which will then make them happy people. Parents spoil their children in a desperate attempt to make them happy. They try to give them everything they want, and to shelter them from anything they make dislike. I do not agree with this. I think that spoiling a child can be toxic, this will not teach the child anything except how to get everything that they want. I think that if a parent is to spoil a child it should be done with time and attention instead of with material things. I want to teach my child how to be a good person with good morals, I want him to learn how to earn things and to understand the difference between needing something and wanting something. This way when I do treat my child to something fun he will appreciate it more. I think parents spoil their children today because they are overworked and tired and they are taking parenting "short cuts". Instead of cooking a home meal, they buy take out, instead of consistent corrections for behavior they simply give in to what the child wants. Having a stay home parent will help us be the kind of parents we want to be.