Winter 2015


View of water slide opening from water as visitor emerges

We visited the Wet 'n Wild (Aqua Park) on one of those hot summer days. We took a chance even though the kids didn't know how to swim and we didn't know whether the tickets would be worth it. But, as soon as we got there it quickly became a favourite place to go to, for them.

Moreover they didn't want to leave it and tried each and every slide appropriate for their age. I, for one was more scared at times to go up on the slides which looked extremely scary to me, but it didn’t faze them at all.

To sum up, there is a Russian saying that fear has big eyes, which means that we tend to exaggerate the level of danger and most of the time it's worth to overcome the fear in your mind and give it a try and enjoy the moment.

“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy”. -Dale Carnegie