Winter 2015


group of dancers in studio

Most people think that dancing is not a sport. I do not agree with this statement. Dancing is not an easy thing. Dancing is hard physical training to show your mastership of skills. It is also the art of moving the body in time to music, so you can show your feelings and emotions. Also, dancing lets you share experiences with other dancers as you dance for many different audiences.

Dancing is part of my life. All types of dancing require practice and technique. If you want to make progress, you should achieve results and develop skills. I took a lot of training. People have danced after work on holidays, at weddings, birthdays, and many different events. There are different types of dance: ballet, hip-hop, folk, jazz, samba, bachata and others.

I have been dancing since age seven. Dancing was the most important and favorite thing for me because I was able to do it. I have always danced in the first lines and always was the soloist in the dance, so I was the best dancer and I liked it. I enjoyed dancing and felt the freedom of my feelings and emotions. Three times a week I went to the studio near my house. We began with warming up and gymnastics to prepare our body for the next work. Then we started learning new movements and dancing phrases. We studied different types of dancing, and I especially liked national dances. Our dance group called “SMILE”, danced at city events, banquets and also we participated in competitions with different cities in Kazakhstan. Certainly, we got prizes and gifts, so our team wanted to give more concerts.

Dance is body language! Dance is energizing and positive. Dancing is a sport that requires a lot of practice, patience, and effort to succeed. Also, it is very good for a healthy body. Dance gives wings to a person and so in time, you do not just dance, but soar on stage. You feel wonderful! As dancing becomes a part of you, you find a lot of friends who share your passion. Dance to live!