Winter 2015


bright yellow

I am Alma from Philippines, 39 years old. Although they say that “Life begins at 40”, I truly believe mine has just started in 39. We have just recently moved in Yellowknife,Northern Territories. These past three months have been a challenging journey for me since I haven’t known many people, many places, and the culture itself. So far, things have been manageable. Finding job opportunities here in Canada is tough. I have realized that all the education credentials I had had in the Philippines do not match here. Upgrading my education is a must if I want to work in my desired profession. This is why I got lucky when I was hired as a Supply teacher in the YCS as a part-timer. During Sundays to Wednesdays, I worked as a Housekeeping Aid in the hospital. At first, I thought of declining the job offer in the hospital. But I thought that I needed to earn a living to support my family, then I had to endure all the hard work. I know this kind of work is a stepping stone to achieve success in the future. I realized that you can’t be picky in your job offers: any will do just to support the family. What I love about my job in the hospital is that my colleagues, manager, and even hospital staff were all kind and considerate to me. I always come to work with optimistic mind. I always believe that if you love your work, then work will love you back. When I received an offer as an Administrative Assistant right after two months of working in the hospital, I acknowledged the offer and thought that I must be professionally wise for better opportunity and better salary as well. Right now, I am enjoying my work in the law firm.

While we are creating new memories in Canada, we have brought happy and mischievous memories of my past life. I had so many astonishing memories of my childhood days. There are so many things to mention. What I am proud of is that I was able to finish my college degree which I think was the best gift that I offered to my parents. All their hard work and sacrifices were paid off.

As a college student at that time, I had my “love life”. I was engaged to my boyfriend for 11 years. We started dating in 1996 when I was in my 1st year college back then. He was so patient that he waited for me for many years even though we had to part ways. We were away for three years because I worked in Japan. When I came back in June, I married him in July 2007. And the rest is history.

 Year 2007 was unforgettable for me. That was the most terrible year I’ve ever had. That was when I experienced the biggest dilemma, biggest struggle, and scariest days of my life. Even though that was the year when I got married, I still can’t help but think about that year and makes me cry. That year there were huge losses for me: my grandfather, then my father passed away; my mother had to undergo a serious operation. On top of all, I also had miscarriage. We were also experiencing financial hardships. I couldn’t believe that it all happened in the same year.

Looking back at those miserable days of my life, it made me become stronger and a fighter. Up to this date, there is nothing that I cannot endure with God’s grace and protection. I know I had to experience those things for a reason. I know those lives won’t come back. They will just remain as a special person in my heart forever. Now, I am happily married and still in love with my husband. I have only one son who’s in Grade 5. We are all embracing the new life we have here in Canada. Expecting for more blessings to come, problems to solve together as one family and bring out the best in me all throughout my journey here in Canada. I just know that this country can offer us great opportunities to look forward to. And soon, we can make steps towards to my beloved country, Philippines! Mabuhay!