Winter 2015


Illustration of RX slip with smiley face and pencil

1.Giving to others

Caring about others is very important for our happiness helping other people is not only a good for them it's also good for our soul and general feeling.

2. Decide if you want to be right or happy

Everyday we are challenging issues with other people if it's on the road if it's at work etc and we the one to decide if you want to be happy or we going to be right not all the time to be right meaning to do the right thing or the things that make us happy.

3. Doing exercise

Doing exercise meaning going to the gym going outside for a run or even for a walk it's just something that makes us see the outside and see other people which those are the things that make us happy

4. Networking

Connect with other people meet other people talk with other people don't be shy every person that you talk with may give you something new for your life and it's always for your own benefit to know new People.

5. Love me

One of the most important thing of our happiness is to love ourselves and be happy with ourself so try every morning just to look in the mirror and say this is me this is who I am and I love it.

6. Keep learning new things

It doesn't really matter if you want to go to college or just watch a science show or just read a good book just trying to learn new things every day even if it's a small things.

7. Family

The most important one be with your family as much as you can this what will make you happy