Winter 2015


view of soup bowl with chicken, corn and other mixed vegetables

Sancocho is a delicious typical Colombian food. It's a soup and it can make it with different meats and ingredients. There are different kind of sancocho and it depends of the meat used. For example sancocho of chicken, hen, cow ribs, pork ribs, fish or sancocho trifasico which includes three meats, chicken, cow and pork. The other ingredients used are plantain, potato, yuca, ñame, green onion, garlic, cilantro and corn. Also, the sanchoco is served with rice. The sancoho has different uses. Some times people eat sancocho because they are sick or weak but it is commonly prepared sancocho for a party, a ride to river or some park or beach, or for a special family food. Some people think the sancocho helps a hangover and for that reason in most cases is the first food choosed when people have an activity that includes drinking alcohol. So, the sancocho is one of the most delicious Colombian dish and people should taste it for any reason.