Winter 2015


Plaza Mayor, Lima, Peru with large christmas tree

Holidays are very big in my country and my family used to meet on Sundays, for birthdays or for big holidays. Christmas was the biggest family celebration in Peru and on the first day of each year, we gathered the whole family and organized games for children and adults such as soccer, volleyball, dice games, races, etc.

Since I arrived in my new country Canada, I stopped preparing a lot of food, because here I’m alone with my husband. Big meals and games were in my past, but not anymore. What fills me and replaces warm holiday feeling to give me happiness and joy, is that the people of my new country Canada treat me very well. I love my new country Canada for the love of its people, its multiculturalism, security, cleanliness, honest government etc. I get peace and love here, so it helps me not to miss my family or friends and the food of my Peru. Also, sometimes, I give free classes in the community centre about Peruvian food and some nutritional meals for children and adults. I like to do volunteering because I want our youth and children to be every day the best. I am also learning to drive and to speak English to be able to get more involved as a new Canadian.

My family is in my heart and I talk with them almost every day. I miss them a lot, and I hope that someday my son will come to live here with me so we can celebrate Christmas together. My life is different now, but I love my new country.