Winter 2015


skier at top of hill

My family loves winter. Whenever we have free time during this wonderful season, we have a list of different activities that my family, especially the kids like to do. One of favorites is skiing. Unfortunately, where we live right now, in PEI, there are no mountains like back home in Kosovo, but nevertheless is still fun. While my children are out there skiing, I join them for a few minutes, but my husband and I like to relax at the coffee shop, and drink while we watch our kids ski. They get really competitive with each other, but of course to add more to the entertainment.

Another activity that we like to do, during snowstorms, is play board games. Our family has a wide range of board games and card games that we like to play. It is always interesting to watch my children trying to beat my husband at chess. Then we bake desserts together, so we can enjoy them while we watch one of our favorite Albanian comedy show.