Winter 2015


Highly detailed Earth, illuminated by moonlight. The glow of cities sheds light on the detailed exag

I live in Canada with my daughter, who is 4 four years old.  Every year we travel to Mexico, the city where I am from. Last year too, right after Christmas, we packed our bags and headed to Mexico. It was very nice and emotional to see my family and friends. This time we were there for a short time only. There wasn't enough time to do all the things we wanted to do, but it was enough for me because I really missed them and enjoyed my holidays with them. And now, I will provide all the details of my lovely time with my lovely family.

On all my trips, my mother and sister are always at the airport waiting to pick us up and take us home. They were there this time too. I really love Mexican and Asian food and I have to say that I ate a lot of food when I got at my mother's house. She had some Christmas food saved for me that I enjoyed a lot. They have a tradition of sharing food and sending it to each other, which I miss here in Canada.

I then got a really good surprise when I was told that this year my mother would be the host to the New Year’s dinner. So, all my brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, etc. gathered for the big party. Everybody was there enjoying the big gathering and dinner. We had "Romeritos” which is a Mexican dish from Central Mexico, consisting of tender sprigs of seep weed which are boiled and served in a mole sauce seasoned with shrimp jerky, bacalao, pork loin in a marinade, and green spaghetti - my mom’s secret recepi that everybody loves. For desserts, we had creamy apple and carrot salad, Flan Napolitano, which is a creamy, sweet flan custard with a caramel sauce. There were also drinks such as tamarind water - a very Mexican beverage that comes from a leguminous tree, sodas, and cider to welcome the new year.

I really had an excellent time visiting my family. Although they are busy in their own things, they still always have time for us, my daughter and me.  Hopefully, I can see them again this year in the summertime.