Winter 2015


people, family and internet addiction concept - girl and mother with smartphones networking at home

I believe the relationships between kids and their parents has changed a lot over the last few years and technology has played a big role in the change in these relationships.  No one can deny how important technology is and how much easier it makes things but, on the other hand, it is also a bad influence, especially the role of social media.

Before we had social media, family members used to share everything with each other.  Whether children were happy or sad, parents always knew what was going on with their children and how they were feeling and were always there to help and support their kids.  While these days, no one knows what is happening.  Each kid is living in his/her own world and sometimes parents are too busy or involved with social media, which takes them to a different place, a different world.  So, even if all family members are living in the same house, they are no longer connecting the way they should.

This situation is not acceptable and parents, even more so than kids, should try their best to stay away from technology when it’s family time to be good role models for and have a good influence on their kids.  We need more quality time with our kids.