Winter 2015


brown and white st bernard puppy

About 5 years ago, one gloomy fall afternoon, my brother, Makan, asked me if I could take care of his three-month-old puppy. My stepfather had a terrible car accident in another city which was 400 kilometres away from our city and my mother and my other siblings had gone there. As a result, I was the only one that he could rely on. On the other hand, I had never touched a dog in my whole life let alone taking care of them.

My brother told me he did not have any other option, but I knew where how much that dog meant to him, so I offered. He had always insisted that I should adopt a dog, but it had never been even in my mind as a possibility.

I replied to my brother that I would agree due to the fact that my husband was more familiar than me with dogs, so he could possibly give me a hand taking care of the puppy. During that week, I took a big step from the craziness of washing my hands every single minute to falling in love with my furry, forever darling.

From that gloomy afternoon, I have learned a lot from my furry baby about how I should be patient to how express my love to someone, how to enjoy  every single day of my life and a lot more. Now I can say, "I am definitely a better person". Thank you, Makan, for urging me to take this great step for my lifetime! Dogs are the best!!