Winter 2015


Niagara falls at night

I have loved Canada ever since I made it to this beautiful country. I came to Canada in 2002 and have been living here for 19 years. Canada is a great place to live because it is known for its beauty. It is multicultural which means people from many nations come together to make this country the wonderful place it is. Canada is one of the best countries to live in because there are many beautiful places to go and sites to see. Living in Canada for 19 years, I have visited many places but there are several places that keep on amazing me in Canada. One of these places is Niagara Falls- one of the biggest water falls in the world and is comprised of two separate parts that are separated by two countries- American and Canada. It has been a popular tourist attraction for years. Before I came to Canada, I used to watch TV and always prayed that one day I will get to go there. The first time I went to Niagara Falls it was like heaven to me. I took some beautiful pictures and send them back to my family in my country. They were so happy that I got to fulfil my dream. What I like about living in Canada is that you cannot get bored because there is always somewhere to go with your family.