Winter 2015


Asian mom and baby girl with suitcase baggage and clothes ready for traveling on vacation

Very soon I am going to travel alone with my almost 2-year-old toddler, and I feel a little bit nervous and excited about it, especially because we will have a connecting flight. Nevertheless, I am thinking positively and plan to use my previous experience from one year ago. I am preparing myself for this big journey and can imagine how interesting it is going to be for my son. So, here are my thoughts which could be useful for other parents in the same situation.

5 tips for traveling with the kids:

  1. Try to stay calm and confident in any situation and if you feel anxious just take a deep breath. It is the most important piece of advice because kids can feel us very well and if their mommy is ok then everything will be easy for them too.
  2. Take a couple of your child’s favorite toys or things on your journey because kids love to feel that there is still something predictable even in a new situation.
  3. Take something new that you know your kid may like on a plane. It will attract the child’s attention especially when the flight is very long. 
  4. Bring your kids favorite snacks and drinks with you. When children are tired or waiting too long it helps to keep them busy and sometimes even can prevent kids from crying.
  5. Take a tablet with headphones with you. Children always like to watch and listen to something well known or new on the screen, so you can distract them from any discomfort during the travel.

In conclusion, just remember that every inconvenience on a journey is temporary and will be over sooner or later. At the end of the day it will be a new and interesting experience for your little ones. They will become more flexible in new conditions in the future because traveling opens their minds and expands their horizons.­