Winter 2015


Mother and son playing on the coast of lake in the mountains of at the sunset time. Concept of frien

Being a mom is not only the most beautiful thing in the world, but also the hardest. I’m a mother of 3 boys, 9 years, 6 years and 17 months. Boys are really a challenge to raise, but they also have big hearts.

In my experience, being a mom means a fulltime job 24hours/7days a week, in another word unstoppable job. From the moment I knew I was pregnant with my 1st baby until today, I’m on a fulltime job, lots of work, lots of love, lots of hugs, lots of stress, lots of tears and lots of laughs!

I tried my best to enjoy my kids, so we have many memories and much more we will make. I faced lots of difficulties in the beginning, but now I believe that I can manage any problem.

Yesterday, I was talking to my neighbor’s grandmother and she said that I should enjoy my kids as they will grow up fast. At this moment, I took a deep breath. I never realized they will grow up this fast.

I remember everything, the days they were born, first tooth, first step, first word, the tough days and good days too.

Lately, I had some tough nights when I tried to wean my baby, and I was under stress trying to make a comfortable sleep routine with lots of crying and tears, and I felt totally exhausted. But after 5 nights I can say I did it, as my baby likes his bedtime routine and he had a good sleep too.

To be honest, I tried to think about another situation when I was under stress, but I couldn’t find better than being a mom because being a mom is the most stressful job in the world.

This life is very complicated, as a mother I’m trying to raise my kids with love, respect, care and understanding. My only wish is to see them become successful men with big hearts.

I always think about the way I’m raising my kids. Is it the best way? Maybe I’m doing something wrong! This issue makes me feel always under stress.

My kids are my priority, we moved to Canada looking for better education and better life for my kids, we faced lots of difficulties on our journey, but we will continue our path to achieve our goals.

Moving to a new country is not easy especially when we moved to a new country which is totally different in culture, language, religion and system. In other words, different world!

As a mother, I am teaching my kids our language, our religion, our identity, the good things in our culture, how to be human, how to be a good person, how to respect others, how to accept others even when we are different, in the end we are all human.

I appreciate every effort the mother makes for her kids, and I believe that the most stressful job is being a mother who is worried about everything related to her kids in the past, in the present and in the future.