Winter 2015


Hands Holding Speech Bubbles with Social Media Words

Social media can be good and bad. The good thing about social media is that it gives us the space to reconnect with your old high school classmates by using social networking sites. One can browse or share pictures and videos among each other online. We can communicate with family and friends using social media. This has changed our lifestyle and the whole society at large.

The Good Side of Social Media

On social media networks, we can find a community with the same interests and hobbies. Social media also update us on breaking news and live streams, which helps us to be up to date with the current information.

Social media can have a strong effect on the development of education. We can use Social Media for educational purposes - watching and listening to lectures and researching information, etc. With the help of social media, students and teachers can easily communicate or share information quickly with each other using social sites like Skype, etc. In my case, I can connect with my LINC Home Study Instructor using Skype and submit my homework assignments. Students can express their opinions on social media sites easily. Instructors can update students about homework assignments which is very helpful to us.

We can use social media to do business selling and marketing our product and services, connecting with our clients. It can be a very good space to communicate with the clients as a communication platform.

The Bad Side of Social Media

That being said, we waste lots of time on social media networking sites day and night. My biggest concern about social media is that back in the day before social media were introduced to us, I used to read and study at night before I going to bed and in the morning before I getting up. But with the advancement of technology, things have changed and new challenges arrived. The first thing I do in the morning is rush to pick up my phone device and spend almost an hour just browsing current news and friends' pictures and videos, which sometimes makes me feel left out because other people seem to be doing well in life and I am not progressing at all. The same happens in the evening when I go to bed holding my phone until my eyes get tired and fall asleep with my phone in my hand, which is a very clear indication that social media can be addictive.

Another challenging aspect of social media is that there can be security risks to our personal data information. One of the biggest downfalls of social media is posting personal information on social networking sites, where our information can become a target of online fraught and online ads target us based on the information we post. This makes me feel that we are watched day and night. Yet another challenge is fake news. Many social media sites post fake news, which sometimes leads us to believe that this is genuine news. Thus, they often mislead us, and we should be aware of this type of activities online. I would say that social media is getting out of control and we as a society need to do something about it before it is too late, otherwise, we will be doomed.

In conclusion, social media can do good and bad to society at large. As social media is getting bigger and bigger every day, it will become a space hub for each and every human being. Social media can badly affect human being at some point in their lives by conquering our personal information and space. So we should learn to use social media in a more controlled way without getting glued to it.

Lesson Plan: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uafNV-gmu7oMPigqOk6U7EdTzZncdi6l