Winter 2015


Map of Israel with flag

My name is Miri. I immigrated from Israel to Canada two years ago. In this story I want to share about my own experience in the army of Israel.

In Israel, to serve in the army is an obligation; therefore, every boy or girl after graduating from high school must serve in the army at the age of 18. The man’s serving period is three years and the woman’s is two years. There are exceptions for women: if she is religious or married.

When I was in the process of graduating from high school, I received a draft notice. During this period, I, like all young army recruits, had no rights to leave the boarders of Israel and I had to start to prepare myself for a new life with some limits. In this period, the army of Israel also provided me choices for different courses and professions in order to prepare myself for a new life.

After three months, I started my military service. First, I had to pass a course for young recruits, which lasted approximately 3 weeks, depending on the kind of profession that you will acquire. Second, I had to study for the real military occupation for three to six months. Finally, after I graduated from all those courses, I started my real service. My profession was tank technician. I had to take care of the tank parts: to keep them lean, to change the part if necessary, and to order a new parts for a safety stock.

Even though the army is the place to discipline for independence and maturity of young graduates, there are many advantages and disadvantages to serve in the army. First of all, you have to defend your country and contribute to your country. However, when children finish this period they do not always find themselves in the citizen life. The professions that are acquired during this period are not appropriate for a citizens' life. The Israeli army doesn't provide any benefits for the future life. Men are over 26 years old when they finish their serving period and they must start early their professional late. Also, the personal family life is postponed.

I am still encourage to serve in the army; however, I think there is a place to change the system in order to help young people build their future life with better conditions after they give their time, and sometimes their life, to defend their country.