Winter 2015


Map of Senegal with flag

The traditional celebration I am telling you about here is called circumcision. It takes place in my region of Casamance, south of Senegal. It is practiced by Diola ethnic and only for men.

In Diola society, circumcision is a traditional initiation compulsory for all men regardless of the place of residence in the world. It takes place every 35 to 40 years in Diola villages located in the same area in Casamance. Every 2 or 3 years, a different group of villages will perform it.

Circumcision among the Diola is held in the forest for about 3 months. During this period, participants learn some secrets and official traditional practices. This is actually the step that puts man from youth to adulthood. Participants wear traditional clothes and are formed by the already circumcised adults. The circumcised man becomes mature, responsible and rich in customary knowledge. He is therefore able to marry a woman, to have his own fields and to attend sensitive meetings of the village. The villages organize a big party on the day of their entry into the forest and on the day of their release. Circumcision in the Diola society makes better men.