Winter 2015


leaf frozen after ice storm

Day by day our weather changes so everyone should prepare for an ice storm. It is a dangerous situation, no hydro, no food, cold, no one to help, and possibly 4 or 5 days stuck in your home. So everyone should be ready for that.

In our basement we arranged some items in case of an ice storm. We bought two battery charged flash lights, one match box and some candles. One of our friends gave us one generator that is needed for an ice storm because at that times there may be no hydro so a generator is used for creating electricity. We collected some tools like a shovel, one gas stove, a battery operated radio to listen to the weather and the latest news because at that time there may be no internet or anything. We have some extra gas for my car, some crackers, and 3 cases of drinking water. We also have warm blankets, warm clothes, a first aid kit, some emergency medications for kids, like Tylenol, some diapers for my kids, and some cash. We bought some rice, pasta and noodles. We like this type of food because it is easy to prepare and it is long lasting. We also prepared some rice powder which is long lasting and I some pickles. These are all of my preparations.

I have never experienced this dangerous situation but I know about ice storms from some friends and relatives. I think all of them need this type of preparation.