Winter 2015


cake or pudding with caramel

This is a delicious Salvadorian recipe, made of bread, milk and ripe bananas. Preparation time 30 minutes, cooking approximate 1 hour and 30 minutes, 8 to 10 servings


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 8 ounces of bread (12 slices of bread)
  • 6 eggs
  • Raisins to taste (1/2 cup)
  • 1 stick butter
  • 3 ripe bananas or five bananas
  • 1 ½ cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla or few drops to taste.

Method of Preparation

  1. First in a bowl, bread is crushed in milk until bread becomes doughy (not liquid, not dry).
  2. Second, the above mixture is put into the blender with the rest of the milk and adds the eggs, melted butter, bananas previously crushed so they are well beaten; it is poured slowly, a cup of sugar and baking powder, and then vanilla is added. They mix everything well and finally add raisins.
  3. As a third step prepare caramel and line the bottom of the mold where you bake the pudding.
  4. In a pan put the remaining ½ cup sugar and half a teaspoon of vanilla, place over medium heat and let it melt until they reach the consistency of caramel.
  5. As a last step, pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees, and once that temperature is achieved, the puddings is placed inside the oven on a tank of boiling water and leave it to bake for 1 hour and a half. When ready, remove from oven and let cool slightly and unmold before the candy sticks to the mold.
  6. This is an easy recipe and a delicious dessert which can delight the whole family and the kids love it and especially it is inexpensive, I like to accompany it with a delicious cup of coffee.