Winter 2015


Boxer practicing a kick boxing in fitness studio

Since immigrating to Canada, I have been seriously gaining weight every year. My friends said, “ you might gain four pounds of fat per year because Canadian winters are longer than in your country, and people are less active during the winter season”. At that time, I thought they were just kidding me, but now I realize this is true! I have gained 8 kilograms!!

My co-worker recommended a cardio kickboxing class for keeping fit. She has worked out there for almost two years, and that helps her keeping fit. So, I registered for a class and joined the club. There was a large room with twenty standing sand bags on rubber mats that covered the whole floor. There were ten people who joined for the first class. I started with a warm-up for my body with loud music. While I was punching and kicking the sand bag, I was sweating more and more. Sometimes, I felt like vomiting and was dizzy, but I got motivation from other people who worked out very hard and was cheered up from the loud music. The program was a combination of stretching and intensive fitness. It was a one-hour class, but I felt like the time passed very quickly. After I came back home, I was completely exhausted, and my body ached all over because I had never exercised before.

According to the Internet, modern kickboxing originated in Japan as a sport during the 1950’s. It has spread to the US and Europe. Frank Thiboutot, who ran the Bay Club in the US, created the kind of cardio kickboxing programs we have today. That has emphasized health and fitness since 1992. There are many positive effects such as burning calories, increasing strength and balance, and relieving stress.

For two months, my weight has not changed dramatically, but I don’t feel tired after working, and I have more energy than before. My mind has also changed in a more positive way, and my body is increasing in muscle mass. Even now my challenge continues, and I imagine how I will look in my slim body for next summer. I have even convinced my husband to join the class with me!