Winter 2015


Christmas tree with new year holiday decoration in a city at night

What I like about Canadas winter is the snow, in Egypt there wasn’t any snow it’s only dry, and I was always excited to see snow and how it feels. When it’s winter it feels cozy and I like it because I gather with my family as everyone is home, they usually are outside if it’s fall or summer for activities but winter times everyone is home and we all watch Christmas movies. But also, I like winter because of the cozy sweaters, hot drinks, and plenty of activities to keep you entertained like indoor activities to play with family. And the most thing I like about winter is a special time of year full of joy and excitement, about Christmas and New Year’s. And the decorating the Christmas tree with my daughters makes happy and I like the exchanging gifts, homemade decorations, and cookies and that why I get excited and like winter for those reasons. When it comes winter in Egypt it’s not snowy and not even raining but a dry cold which isn’t exciting like the winter in Canada. However, in winter times I don’t like getting sick and that’s when I feel lazy and get cold get sick which I dislike. And the roads are slippery, and more accidents happens in winter. I don’t like to get out of a warm, cosy bed when the house is freezing cold, having higher heating bills to pay, the laundry taking too long to dry and not wanting to take a shower because it’s cold to even take out the warm clothes. Overall winter is fun because there are holidays to enjoy.